
winding desert road with white mountains in background

Here’s some great advice I once got … don’t compare yourself to other people. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday. I know … deep!

And frankly … easier said than done, right?

But what if it didn’t have to be?

Yeah, I know, we’re all constantly being bombarded on social, on TV and in our own minds with all the ways we’re not good enough, smart enough, thin enough, rich enough, successful enough.


What if you could stop beating yourself up because you’re not as far along as someone else.

Whether that be in weight loss.

In business.


in parenting?

What if you could be happy running your own race at your own pace and not worry about what everyone else is doing around you?

You can and I can help.

Strangely enough it really has nothing to do with what’s happening all around you in life … but it has everything to do with what’s happening INside of you.

What do I mean by that? Well … if I were to ask you … what do you value?

More precisely … What ARE your values?

Some of you will know right away what your values are. Others will have a vague idea of what they value … and some of you are probably judging yourself right now because you haven’t the slightest clue what your values are … and have never taken the time to consider that question. (IT’S OKAY … I’m going to help you!)

Why do I ask that question? Because different people have different values … and THOSE values help make you who YOU are.

Someone who values simplicity, safety and balance is going to live a life that’s very different than someone who values risk taking, achievement and power.

Can you see that? One set of values isn’t better than the other … they’re just different. And because they’re different those folks are doing to make different decisions about their lives, their families, their careers. Decisions that align with THEIR values.

But people don’t walk around with their values printed on their shirts. (WHICH WOULD BE INTERESTING IF THEY DID!)

What I’m getting at is their values and their priorities drive their decisions in life. Just as your unique combination of values and priorities determine what you do in life.

AND with all the different values out there combined with all the different priorities one could have … I guarantee you no two people are ever going to have the same exact combination of priorities and values at the same exact time. SO STOP COMPARING YOURSELF as if you do!!!!!!

Run your own race, if you want to compare yourself to someone … compare yourself to who you were yesterday!

And instead of wanting to become someone else … strive to become the best version of yourself!!!!

It’s all in you!!!!


Self Confidence


Modern Emotional Health