Self Confidence
You know the woman. We’ve all seen her before. Wherever she goes people notice. They gravitate towards her, want to be near her, some want to be her. What does she have that so many don’t? Nope, it’s not a big bank account, a great husband and a killer career. She has self-confidence.
Self confidence is the story you tell yourself about yourself. It’s about having your own back! It’s about doing what you say you’re going to do even when you don’t want to do it
It’s your ability to trust yourself.
It has nothing to do what people think or say about you. In fact, self confidence can’t be created by something outside of you or someone other than you. That’s why they call it SELF confidence.
So what is the story you’re telling yourself about yourself? What do you think of yourself? I’ll wait…….
Chances are you’ve never considered that question. That’s okay … most women don’t. It’s normal. It’s also why most women struggle with being self confident. Most us never think about our relationships with ourselves! We’re taught and conditioned to be a good friend to others but not to ourselves. Heck, some of us are afraid to be self confident because we think it will come across as arrogant.
Self confidence: Being secure in yourself and your abilities.
Arrogance: Thinking you’re better than someone else and then trying to prove it.
If you feel unhappy, unsatisfied and mad at yourself a lot of the time, figuring out what thoughts you have about yourself is a great place to start.
Here’s the kicker … your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you’re EVER going to have!!!! If you don’t ever think about yourself then it’s a very neglectful relationship.
All too often we take other peoples beliefs about us and define ourselves with them. But those thoughts are theirs NOT YOURS. What do YOU want to think about yourself? THAT is how you start building self confidence.
NEW FLASH: You get to think about yourself whatever you want! I’ve talked to all the ‘adults’ and they say you have permission to belief whatever you want about yourself!!!!!
It can be anything you want. Make it good!!!