Relationship with Self

woman under white blanket laughing

What do you think about you? I’ll wait ….

Are you normal? Awesome? Outgoing? Bored? Energetic? Reserved?

Or have you never really taken the time to think about it?

I believe the relationship you have with yourself is THE most important relationship you’re ever going to have in life. So, if you don’t even have an opinion of yourself … well then …. you have a very neglectful relationship.

Meanwhile, some of you have an opinion of yourself but it’s a very negative one. How’s the working out for ya?

That little voice inside of our heads speaks volumes. It’s with us all the time and boy does it say some shit!

If you had a friend that talked to you the way you talk to yourself you’d probably punch them in the nose. At the very least you’d get them out of your life. But you can’t do that with yourself. You’re stuck with you. So how do you start developing a better relationship with yourself? It all starts with your mind.

How you think about yourself will determine your relationship with yourself. The simplistic way of explaining it is this… think good thoughts about yourself … have a healthy relationship with yourself. Think negative thoughts about yourself … have a destructive relationship with yourself.

If you want to have a great relationship with yourself, all you have to do is have great thoughts about you.

THAT’S IT!!!!!

The relationships we have with EVERYONE in our life is based on the thoughts we have about them. No matter what the other person does, it doesn’t effect you emotionally until you have a thought about it.

When someone says, ‘I love you’, you don’t feel them loving you. You can’t feel someone else’s love. When they say ‘I love you’ you have a thought in your brain that makes you feel the love. Nothing they do creates love. It’s your thoughts about it.

This is how you can have two people and one of them thinks the relationship is amazing and the other things it’s terrible. Their thoughts about the relationship is different so their experience in it will be different too.

Now back to you … what do you want to believe about yourself? If you feel unhappy, unsatisfied and disappointed in yourself a lot of the time, figuring out what thought you have about yourself is a great place to start. I can help you with that. This is what I do and I love it.

Let’s do this!


Decision Fatigue


Self Confidence