
Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when you just need a friend or a different perspective.

What is a Life Coach?
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

What is a Life Coach?

We all need a little help sometimes. More and more people are getting that help from a life coach.  

Life coaching changed my life.  It changed my life so much that I became a coach so I could help people just like me.  You’re probably reading this because you’re looking for a little help and are curious about life coaching.  

You’re in the right place. 

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How You Create Stress For Yourself
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

How You Create Stress For Yourself

If you’re human, you’ve experienced stress at some point in your life. Heck, you might be experiencing it right now. 

Stress is real and it can be overwhelming. It can impact your relationships, your career, and your health. It can take the joy out of a celebration, an accomplishment, or an upcoming holiday. 

Stress can make everything seem harder and therefore have a profound effect on your life.

Below, I’ll cover why stress is normal, where it comes from and what to do about it.  

You have more power over it than you realize. 

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4 Steps to Change a Habit
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

4 Steps to Change a Habit

If you’re human, you’ve experienced stress at some point in your life. Heck, you might be experiencing it right now. 

Stress is real and it can be overwhelming. It can impact your relationships, your career, and your health. It can take the joy out of a celebration, an accomplishment, or an upcoming holiday. 

Stress can make everything seem harder and therefore have a profound effect on your life.

Below, I’ll cover why stress is normal, where it comes from and what to do about it.  

You have more power over it than you realize. 

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Your Thoughts Have Power
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

Your Thoughts Have Power

The other day I was thinking about how much time I spend thinking. I know, weird. Thinking about thinking … isn’t that called over thinking?

No, not really. I wasn’t analyzing or ruminating on my thoughts. I was observing them.

When you pay attention to your thoughts and what’s going on in your head, you will be in such a better place to take action.

When you pay attention to what’s going on between your two ears, you’ll feel more in control of your life and less a victim of circumstance.

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Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes


Overthinking! This is where you start off in one place with one thought and then you analyze the hell out of it which spins you in some many different directions without moving you forward an inch. Now it’s perfectly normal and beneficial to ponder life and dream but when you’re stuck in your head overthinking, most of the time those thoughts aren’t so good. And it can turn into this negative cycle where the more we create these stories, scenes, scenarios in our heads, the more we get upset, which means the more obsessing and spinning. Rinse and repeat.

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Time Management
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

Time Management

Today it’s all about time and commitment.

There are books, upon books, upon books about this topic. If you walked into a bookstore you’d find shelves filled with them. Go on Amazon and you'll find so many amazing resources. While there's value in managing your time, I also want to explore the concept of managing yourself within time.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week. But how many of us have gotten to the end of our day and have said, Oh my gosh, there are not enough hours in the day to get it all done?

Yet there are other people out there that have the same 24 hours, in the same seven days in a week and they accomplish so much. How do they do it?

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Self Care
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

Self Care

Today we are talking about self care. And ya know what? Sometimes self care looks like pizza. Yes, pizza! We often look at self care as bubble baths, meditation or taking a walk, all of which work and are great ideas but this week self care for me looked like pizza. I’ll tell you that story and the inspiration for this blog post in just a moment. But first … let’s define self care. Oxford Language defines it as

The practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.

In layman's terms, self care is taking care of your own needs. So often we focus on what everyone around us needs that we drive ourselves into the ground and sacrifice what we need. If you’re not going to give yourself what you need and take care of yourself why would you expect anyone else to do that.

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Resolutions vs. Goals
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

Resolutions vs. Goals

I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. Why? Because they don’t work. Sixty-percent of us will make one but only eight-percent will actually stick with it. I don’t like those odds. And besides … Why wait until the New Year? I think that’s the other aspect about them I don’t like. There’s all this pressure people put on themselves to make these HUGE changes once a year and when they don’t follow through on it … they think they can’t make the changes they want in life.

That is SOOO not true! While I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions … I am a firm believer in goal setting!!!

What’s the difference you ask?

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New Year, New You
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

New Year, New You

It’s the New Year and so many of us are thinking about the new you!!!

Instead of explore the ‘new you’ you’re looking to create in the new year, I want you to answer this question first,

Who are you right now?

If you want a ‘new’ you. Who’s the current you? Who are you? Whoa, we just got deep. Stick with me.

If I were to ask you … who are you? What would you say? Think about it a sec.

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Slow Down
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

Slow Down

Lately, I’ve been reminding myself SLOW DOWN. I get so rushed sometimes. It leads to becoming flustered and when I’m flustered, I forget things or screw things up. I’m not in the right frame of mind which means I get irritated and when I’m irritated I lose patience with myself and everyone around me. When I lose my patience it just becomes this soup of frustration and overwhelm and no one wants to experience that! Have you experienced that? I think I already know the answer to that question.

So many of us do it. Try to pack too much in. The ‘ever ending to do list?’ We’re in such a hurry to get there. Wherever there is. We think there is better than here. I call this … ‘Better When Thinking.’

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Am I Good Enough?
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

Am I Good Enough?

I recently got a question on my Facebook page from a woman who asked, How does one trying to promote their gifts, get past the thoughts of am I good enough? Why would I think people will care? Or that’s not enough of a gift to share.

I love the question … Am i good enough? Chances are you have probably asked yourself that same question a time or two or two hundred times? I have and it’s normal.

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Decision Fatigue
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

Decision Fatigue

What does Steve Job’s turtleneck, Mark Zuckerberg’s hoodie and Einstein’s grey suit have to do with why you may be exhausted and at the end of your rope right now?

What do the closets of some of the greatest minds in history have to do with the stress and overwhelm YOU’RE feeling right now?

Two words … decision fatigue!

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Relationship with Self
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

Relationship with Self

What do you think about you? I’ll wait …. Are you normal? Awesome? Outgoing? Bored? Energetic? Reserved? Or have you never really taken the time to think about it? I believe the relationship you have with yourself is THE most important relationship you’re ever going to have in life. So, if you don’t even have an opinion of yourself … well then …. you have a very neglectful relationship.

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Self Confidence
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

Self Confidence

You know the woman. We’ve all seen her before. Wherever she goes people notice. They gravitate towards her, want to be near her, some want to be her. What does she have that so many don’t? Nope, it’s not a big bank account, a great husband and a killer career. She has self-confidence.


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Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes


Here’s some great advice I once got … don’t compare yourself to other people. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday. I know … deep! And frankly … easier said than done, right? But what if it didn’t have to be? Yeah, I know, we’re all constantly being bombarded on social, on TV and in our own minds with all the ways we’re not good enough, smart enough, thin enough, rich enough, successful enough.


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Modern Emotional Health
Pamela Hughes Pamela Hughes

Modern Emotional Health

What is modern emotional health? Chances are you’ve never even considered that question. Most people believe that means being happy all the time. I want to tell you THAT belief system has caused more trouble and emotional unhealthiness than any other thing that we focus on in our lives. We think… everyone else is ‘happy’ …but us. Just look on Instagram or Facebook. Everyone is smiling, living their best life and there isn’t a zit in sight. Happy and perfect!!!

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Start your journey back to you.