orange boats on teal water with green trees lining the bank

Unstuck your life.

It is time to get rid of that mean girl in your head. You know, the one that tells you you’re not good enough, smart enough or talented enough. The one that is constantly comparing you to everyone and everything out there and gathering a ton of evidence that proves you can’t do it.

You try to be a positive person but your mind always goes to the negative and then gets stuck there. Sure it looks like everything is fine on the outside but inside your swimming in insecurity, anxiety and overwhelm. Asking yourself, ‘is this it?’

How would your life be different if you learned how to manage your thinking? What would it change if you learned to figure out the true source of all your problems? Who would you become if you stopped thinking your life has gone wrong or something about you is off?

In a series of weekly one-on-one coaching sessions, videos and worksheets, you’ll learn how to turn down the volume on that annoying voice of self doubt and negativity and turn up the belief and confidence in yourself. You’ll free yourself from comparison after discovering how your unique set of values and priorities truly makes you one of a kind. You will get clarity on what it is YOU want, how to go out there and get it, and how to be nice to yourself when you fail. You’ll learn how to stop beating yourself up and start having your own back.

You can do it. I can help.

amber waves of grain on teal sky

Unstuck your weight.

I know you are exhausted from the constant conversation in your head about food and the exhaustion doesn’t stop there. You’re tired because you’ve tried every diet and exercise on the market and nothing has kept the weight off. You’re afraid to step on the scale because that number can either make-or-break your day, week or month! You feel like you’ll never lose the weight.

The truth is, you can’t struggle yourself into change. Sure … it may work for a little while but eventually you’ll buckle under the pressure.

How would your life be different if you could stop obsessing about calories, carbs or macros? What would change if you stopped beating yourself up over food or how much you weighed? What if you could make small changes that had a BIG impact on your health and quality of life?

In a series of weekly one-on-one coaching sessions, videos and worksheets, you’ll learn why the whole ‘calories in, calories out’ method DOESN’T work. Why it’s what’s in your brain, not your mouth, that is keeping you from your weight loss goals. How paying attention to you feelings will change your relationship with food. And why improving your relationship with yourself is the key to unlocking the body you want.

You can do this. I can help.

waves crashing on sandy beach

Unstuck your career.

I know you try to give everything in your life 100%. You strive to give your kids 100%, your husband 100% and your career 100%. You feel the need to be super mom, a supportive wife and a valuable employee all by lunch time. It’s no wonder you’re exhausted, cranky and hiding in the pantry eating cookies (or drinking pinot noir). You’re trying to give everyone else what they need but your needs don’t even make the list. Listen sister, you don’t have 300% to give on any given day, you only have 100% - TOTAL. You can’t give what you don’t have. But that’s exactly what you’ve been trying to do. It’s no wonder you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day and you’re getting pulled in every direction.

How would your life be different if you didn’t feel guilty putting yourself first? What would change if you could let go of perfection? Who would you become if you had your own back?

In a series of weekly one-on-one coaching sessions, videos and worksheets, you’ll learn the worst lesson we’ve ever been taught is to have a goal of ‘just being happy.’ How putting yourself first isn’t selfish but necessary for everyone and everything in your life. Why the relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you’re ever going to have. We’ll take a deep dive into what you’re tolerating, where you’re settling and who you are people pleasing. Lastly, you’ll learn how to cut yourself some slack, give yourself some credit and love yourself without apology.

You can do this. I can help.

Working with Pamela has been such a gift. She has had such a positive impact on my life. For the first time in a long time I am me, not mommy, not wife, not co-worker, ME!

-Kerry K.

Pamela in green sweater sitting in green grass.jpg

Every choice in life either moves you forward or keeps you stuck.


several green  barrel cacti with yellow spines

Most people don’t take being stuck seriously enough. They think it’s normal to feel this way. It doesn’t have to be normal or how you live your life. Too many people have given up on trying to get unstuck because the ways they’ve tried to wiggle loose didn’t work. Instead of treating the symptom of being stuck, we will track down the root cause and cure it at the source.